Saturday, November 20, 2010

Passion: it can make all difference

Today is a very exciting day for me, I have returned back to the things that bring happiness and meaning into my life – music and writing are among the many things that God has given me a passion for. This evening I am singing in the choir at church which is something I haven’t done in many years.  Music has always been a huge part of my life but when I went to college I stopped doing choir, praise team /ensemble and orchestra because I did not make time for them. Today, I embark on my journey back to the things that bring joy back into my life!! YAY!!! When I was young my grandma was a well known piano and organ player in the northeast part of the US. The holidays were very special as we would decorate the Christmas tree as she would play the most beautiful music  – such  sweet memories that I will always cherish! It was my grandma who started my passion for music!

Tonight at 6:00pm, tomorrow 8:00am, 10:15am & 12:30 est: - you can listen in to the church service weekly:

It is my hope for all of the readers of this blog, that you find and do something that brings joy into your life – something you are passionate about. There is no greater feeling and no better way to understand your purpose for God creating you! So get out there, live loudly and boldly with meaning and purpose!  I choose this picture for a reason - be that splash of color among the weeds! There truly needs to be happier more fulfilled people here on earth – life is far too short to waste it being miserable!! ;) 

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