Thursday, November 18, 2010

Accomplishing something important or coasting through life

         The other day I was talking to someone whom I bump into on a fairly regular basis. It was an interesting conversation that left me thinking: how is it that some are content to just living the everyday monotonous life and some, like me, are way too ambitious. LOL!! Yes, it should be noted I am a very analytical person. I like to dabble in difficult questions and ideas and I love to be intellectually stimulated. It is difficult when I find myself in a position where I am supposed to be doing something and there is nothing to do. To which this person replied, just do what you have to do and make it look like you are actually doing something important. It was this statement that had me asking the burning question: how many of us live our lives like we are doing something really important when in reality we really aren’t? It was an interesting take on this particular conversation and instantly I could see the life application.

         How many times do we waste our days on frivolous things? I know I am as guilty as anyone on this note! It is an amazing thing how easily distracted I can get. Starting off with good intentions is only the first step, somewhere along the way I realize that I have contracted what I refer to as adult ADD. Before I know it, I have nothing done but a million things started! LOL It’s true I am busy but not doing anything that ends up amounting to very much. I‘ll tell you, since I am on a bunny trail from my original topic – technology is to blame for this! I cannot go anywhere nor do anything without my phone. I have to be connected to many different applications, email and texts it is a terrible addiction. (shhh don’t tell anyone but it really is a guilty pleasure) I am sure this has nothing to do with the onset of adult ADD!! **sarcasm** YEAH right!!! HAHAHA

**Back to the topic, hope you enjoyed the bunny trail. I am sure there are many of you who have the same issue and addiction to technology as I do.**

         For me lately, I have been striving to learn happiness and contentment when I really don’t feel it. (here is the tie into to the above paragraph before the bunny trail…lol) I often times feel like I am busy but not getting anywhere which causes this feeling of unbalance and discontentment. I have never been one of those people who could fake having it all together when in reality I don’t. I was talking to an mature lady last night at dinner about this issue; she always has great advice and biblical knowledge. To which she replied: “sometimes you have to go through the valleys in life in order to reach those mountain tops. There are lessons you need to grasp hold of in the here and now. Quite possibly God is allowing you this experience because every lesson you learn allows you to become closer to whom God ultimately longs for you to be.” There are times when we all need a gentle reminder that God does ultimately know what He is doing – it’s part of the human condition!

         OK here is another ADD moment – a metaphor that just came to me: Everything we go through can be looked at like a stepping stone – the stepping stones of life – take it one stone at a time. Sometimes that may require dodging the stone, sometimes it means RUN especially if it’s being hurled in your direction, other times you have to intercept it and it may be required to face it head on. By no means should you coast through life not paying attention to these “stones” because before you know it, it may hit you upside the head and knock you out. It’ always a good idea to learn from your life’s lessons (stones) and not to reinvent your mistakes!! (I wish more people lived this way!!)

Galatians 6:9: “Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

         There it was my nugget of truth: in order to go from looking busy to doing something important is to remain faithful and not giving up. Stay on course, even when times are tough, even when it seems like nothing is going right, even if you feel like you’re the only one trying to do the right thing or simply there just doesn’t seem to be a way out. It is coming through a difficult season in life that we truly understand why we had to go through the struggle to begin with. The important thing to keep in mind is the lessons that are being learned along the way. I have always thought if I learn my lessons quickly maybe God will allow me to get to my ultimate destination faster. Although, I must confess, I am not entirely sure if that really works or not because I tend to become impatient or fall off the wagon prematurely at times.  So I will leave this post with a challenge: let’s all try to do something that impacts someone else’s life for the better , make a positive change, a positive choice, smile and laugh more – make someone else do the same, help someone in need….. and not just look busy without a real purpose and go through life monotonously.

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