Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tis the season for giving

         I was thinking about this –  it popped out at me that it’s also the season for forgiving as well. A small play on words but I think this makes my point quite readily. As Christmas is quickly approaching, I have been pondering the meaning behind all of the fuss. It’s more than malls, presents, cookies (ymmy chocolate chip cookies…), and that nasty fruit cake no one wants. (LOL) It’s about Jesus. It’s about His life, His example and His ultimate forgiveness!! This message of forgiveness is not only for each of us but just as we have been forgiven so must we forgive as well. I know that there have been people in my life who have done some pretty despicable things and to forgive is a pretty tough pill to swallow. However, how is not forgiving them helping me or even you in the long run? It’s a freeing feeling to let go because the longer we hold on to bitterness and anger the more our own hearts become hardened. No matter what, Jesus died for them too! We cannot in our own strength show forgiveness towards those who do us wrong because it goes against everything that is in us. By forgiving those that have done us wrong we show Christ’s power in us. Maybe during this season, you need to give the gift of forgiveness to someone who has done you wrong and make a choice to not let anger be your main motivator to holding on the that grudge. This is certainly not an easy task to undertake but ask Jesus to help you because He is waiting to help you!

         I recall a part in scripture, where Jesus was praying for the people who crucified and were mocking him. This should be our example: Luke 23:34: “Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.”

         There have been times in my own life that I just could not understand why- why would they do this, how could they be so thoughtless, they are only thinking about themselves, did they not think that this wouldn’t hurt me? In the midst of these types of thoughts the last thing I want to think about is forgiving them for not knowing what they do or did. I can’t even begin to imagine being nailed on a cross and praying to God to forgive the very people who put me there!!! Not to mention the same very people mocking me at the same time. This is an extraordinary picture!! As I am writing this, I understand that Jesus knows exactly what many of us go through and the difficulty we have with forgiveness because He lived it!

1 Peter 3:9: “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.”

Mark 11:25-26: “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”

Let go and let Jesus handle your forgiveness issues…. Tis the season for forgiving! Watch as He takes that bitterness away and replaces it with joy! There is no better present than that!

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