Sunday, September 16, 2007

Archive: Fruit of the Spirit: Love

One of the most challenging fruit of the spirit, in my opinion, is love. It is hard to constantly love when you do not see love in return. In Mark 12:30-31 it says “Love the Lord your God with all you heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and with all your strength. And the second is like this “you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” This verse is talking about loving God with all that is in you and wanting to serve and please Him. Also, it says to love your neighbor as yourself. This to me is very difficult due to the human condition. As humans, we tend to look at others and unduly judge them. What we do to others is a direct reflection of what we do to Jesus. We also have to consider, would we want someone to do the same to us?

I have another practical illustration of this: Last week as I was on the train on my way home from work. I observed a very disturbing sight. For those of you, who have ever been on a subway it can provide an interesting array of situations, as you have many types of people and at times a large quantity of people crammed into a small space – kind of like sardines in a can. In this time spent on the train, you can observe people in so many ways and this is what I do everyday. Located directly in front of me was an older man on my right and one empty seat right next to him. When we stopped at our next destination more people entered onto the train; among this group of people there were two college age African Americans. One of which sat down directly next to this man in front of me. Yes, this is quickly going to turn into a discussion about race/color. The college aged kid was wrestling through his backpack filled with books and note books – he was obviously looking for something he could not find. In the meantime, the man seated next to him kept looking over at him with glaring and down right nasty / disgusted looks. The two boys began chatting to one another and everything appeared to be fine as they were not bothering anyone. The man looked at me to see what my reaction was and I simply smiled back at him as if to say everything was fine by me. To this moment, I just can’t understand how and why people can judge someone simply based on what they look like. After all, aren’t we all human? What makes us that much different one from another? We have a brain, heart, lungs, eyes, mouth etc. all the same – can a few different expressions of proteins automatically make a person less than another? The expression of protein I am referring to leads ultimately in determining skin color. We cannot infer good or bad of a person simply based on the external yet this man had already made up his mind about these boys. He did not like them and it was apparent by his looks, body language and his judgmental attitude. In this case, I felt anger towards this man but I realized that the bible tells us to hate sin but love the sinner. I realized here that it all boiled down to love our neighbor as our self. I then thought about how when we do things or think mean / evil thoughts about someone it was like doing them directly to Jesus – nailing him back on that cross. (What a visual huh?) I began to think what would really be the implication on the world today if everyone did abide by this simple truth?

To these boys, I would have dedicated this verse: Matthew 5:44 states “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” God will give you the strength to love and pray for those who come against you if He lives within you. This kind of response goes directly against your human flesh –you will need the Holy Spirit to accomplish this seemingly daunting task. Also, we should keep in mind that God loved us first; therefore, we should love others. 1John 4:10 says “This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” Broken down this means that God’s love was not dependent on what we as humans do, it was Him loving us first! Even when we struggle in areas of casting judgment against our fellow brothers/ sisters or whatever sin you are struggling with in your life – remember that God loves you and wants to see you victoriously triumph over sin.

In the Ten Commandments, we show love to God by: 1) trusting God alone for everything 2) worshiping God alone 3) not using the Lord’s name in vain 4) by setting a day aside to God.

We show love to others by: 1) respecting our parents 2) being faithful to husband or wife 3) not stealing 4) not coveting someone else’s property. This is found in Exodus 20:1-17.

I think personally, love can make us a better person. If you really love God you will try to obey His commandments and go out on a limb for others. God empowers you to show His love; we are called to be living examples of Christ so that others may know who He is. Being a living example means that we take our relationship with Him seriously! We are to be ready and willing to serve the Lord no matter the coast… this is the true test of what and who you really love and where your priorities truly lie. If we have a growing relationship with Jesus it is my firm belief that all the other fruits of the spirit will fall into place.

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