Sunday, July 17, 2011

What if

What if today never happened?
Would we be sad about its loss?
Or even mourn for what could have been…

What if a dream never came true?
Would we pursue another one?
Or simply would we settle for the here and now?

What if I never met you?
Would I be wishing for someone like you?
Or would it be the opposite from some adverse affect?

What if a heart was never broken?
Would anyone know the true form of joy?
Or be able to fully appreciate the good things when they happen?

What if tomorrow never came?
Would we live differently today?
Or would we take it for granted as if common place?

What if truth never existed?
Wouldn’t structure and meaning for life be thrown out the window?
Or would there be an endless pursuit of it?

What if there was no love?
Would lust and selfish desires have free reign?
Or would we finally realize our need for a redeemer?

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