Sunday, March 23, 2008

Archive: An Amazing Display of Love

For those of us who are Christians, I wonder how many of us ever truly think about Jesus and the price that He paid for us. The price for sin is death and God chose to send His only Son to die the most horrific death – for us! I don’t know about you but it is really hard for me to imagine or to even comprehend this kind of love. In my own humanity, I would never be able to love a complete stranger in this manner! I think I can say with certainty that God’s love far surpasses our comprehension! God gave His perfect, sinless Son and placed Him the hands of self righteous, hateful, brutal human beings. Jesus, knowing the condition of our hearts and all the sins we have done and will ever do was still willing to carry out His Father’s will and die on our behalf! It is difficult to imagine Jesus on that cross but let’s make this personal for a second. Let your mind wonder to that moment where Jesus was beaten so badly that he barely looked human and then think that while He was nailed to that tree He was thinking about you and me! He was thinking about every hateful word, every evil deed and anything that would keep us from our Holy Creator. By Jesus’ obedience to His Father’s will He provided a bridge by which we can cross over into heaven because His blood covers all our imperfections. I have asked myself why do I deserve this- why do we deserve this? What have any of us done that is so good to gain God’s absolute AMAZING love? NOTHING- we have done nothing! Throughout the Bible God has put His love for us on display and through this free gift of love He shows us that He is faithful, caring and at the same time just. There is a penalty for imperfection which has to be paid - so what does God do? He gave us His Son to pay that penalty and in return has only asked that we accept His payment for sin! How much easier could God have made this for us?!!!! Yet, there are so many who simply don’t see, don’t confess and don’t accept this free gift. Why would we want to spend eternity without this kind of love? Why do you think God gave so much for us – could it be because He knew how horrible eternal damnation would be and as a result God went through great lengths to make it easier for us? I would say that this is a rhetorical question. As I believe this could be answered simply by looking at the very nature of God and who He is! We as humans are confined to the physical world – what we can see, feel, hear, and touch – if something is outside this realm it becomes a bit obscure almost to the point where we would assume it’s not real. I would like to challenge this misconception – sometimes it is necessary to look outside the box because the answers may not be found in the world in which God has created. Rather seeking after God himself for answers He will be faithful to reveal Himself as being true and real! Does the world we live in offer the kind of flawless, sacrificial love that Christ offers us? NO! This requires some seeking outside the box.

Today, as it is Easter Sunday – I am reminded of all the suffering, death and the resurrection my beloved Savior went through to show that He has all power and all authority. I acknowledge that Jesus is/was perfect, He is my atonement for sin, He is the Son of God, He defied death, He was raised to life and in doing so provided a way for us to live victoriously in Him! AMEN!!!

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