Sunday, November 18, 2007

Archive: Seeking Truth- A Dying Art?

If we were created with the inherent intent to have fellowship with our creator – and if we are not living up to this expectation – then I guess the question I pose is who or what is being put in this God shaped space? Can people really say that there is no God? I think instead of looking heavenward for the answer they look inside themselves and make their own being into the god in which they seek. The bible warns of this type of sinful nature – can we honestly say we know what the best thing is for ourselves when we did not create ourselves. Is it possible we could truly and fully know what is best for ourselves? Could we live up to our full potential on our own? How can one answer these questions without knowing who their creator is?? I can say with experience that I thought I knew what was best for myself only to discover I came up empty handed. I pushed God aside and He stood there on the sidelines watching as I made decisions that eventually lead me to the realization that in my own strength I would not be able to keep up with this grueling pace. I found myself tired, worn out and beaten down. This made me begin to wonder, if I came to this conclusion pretty quickly – how do millions of people continue to live in this state (miserable, lost and content to settle into the mundane) everyday? Once I gave everything back over to God and let him have the driver seat I began to have a sense of relief, peace and adventure has once again sparked my imagination. In my brokenness, I came to the realization, that I too had been blinded and dissuaded away from my life’s mission (the purpose) for which I was solely created to do. It is in these moments of brokenness with all your wounds exposed – when you stand before God and say I am completely undone – I need your strength, wisdom and most of all your mercy and forgiveness. In this time, God will reveal some of the most precious, deep spiritual truths. As a result, I don’t look at brokenness as a sign of weakness but rather like an opportunity to change and become a stronger individual with godly character. For me recently, I struggle with feelings of inadequacy; however, I began to learn a couple of months ago that I could use this weakness and turn it into an opportunity to let God’s light be revealed. It is in this inadequacy that I am forced to not lean on my own understanding and strength but rather all that Jesus has to offer and His resources far surpass any I can find on this earth! Ultimately, when that good thing which God has promised to complete in you comes to pass - the power and glory of God is revealed and we are made complete. As I look around me I am excited with my revelation about how awesome God is but saddened at the same time because I know there are so many who have not come to this realization. Instead of trying to learn about who God is they have already judged for themselves that they want nothing to do with Him. How have they come to this conclusion? It is most unfortunate, but many even in my circle of friends and co-workers – have failed to seek truth. Instead they listen to what everyone else has to say on the matter of “religion” and base their own opinion on others opinions. In some strange way, I feel this is a bit like plagiarism; just as someone can get in trouble with the law for stealing someone else’s written work - why then is there not some consequence for stealing others thoughts and calling them their own? Ok, so maybe this is a bit far fetched, but seriously let’s not be a generation that is lazy for taking others word for the truth!!!!!!! Let’s know for certain why we believe what we do and be able to defend it with real solid reasons and back it up with research - like studying our bible. Which brings me to another question – why are people so afraid of the bible? It is my belief they are afraid of change and perhaps having their inner self become transparent before a holy and just God. My favorite part about reading the bible is watching the darkness that once clouded my vision start to fade and once again my vision is restored to clarity. Yes, my inner most and deepest thoughts and sins are revealed. However, I am able at that moment to ask for God’s grace and forgiveness and once confession is made I feel like a new person yet again! It is my hope and prayer to be able to share God’s love with as many people as possible because this is the only way to heal our dying world that is leaning more and more into hopelessness!!!

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