Sunday, July 28, 2024

I am in the process of transferring this blow to a new location and revamping it and adding more content as it's been a while! :)

Check out my new site:

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Storing Treasures on Earth

It’s interesting the things that you can behold when you are in the moment and not distracted by having your nose constantly in your phone. I am blessed to live right across the street from the beach. Every day, I take my dog for a walk along the beach. I love walking in the morning where I have the opportunity to see the sunrise and God paints the sky in the most gorgeous colors. In addition to enjoying the sunrise or the sunset, I have the opportunity to see so many different people. I love to people watch in general it’s one of my favorite pastimes, if I am honest. When you live somewhere long enough, you tend to bump into familiar faces along your journey. I also enjoy looking at the houses along the beach as I go. Interestingly, there was this little old lady that as I passed by would always smile and wave at me from her porch. It always made me smile and also return the wave back as to simply say hello as I passed by her home. Sometimes I would see her taking a nap on her porch, I always thought to myself how relaxing and peaceful that must be to sit and watch the ocean and fall into a peaceful slumber. 

Until one day, I no longer saw her. The house was dark for the next 2 weeks every time I passed by. No longer was I greeted by that sweet lady’s smile. Soon I saw people working in her house removing all of her belongings and throwing them out followed by a for sale sign being placed in the front yard. I watched as remodelers came in and started tearing down walls and completely re-doing the house. Obviously, it did not take me long to deduce what had happened. It made me wonder about the lady’s family. Did she have any living relatives because from my outside perspective, it did not appear so. The house was quickly cleaned and contents thrown away and the house was sold.

“Formerly, his heart had been as a locked casket with its treasure inside; but now the casket was empty, and the lock was broken.” George Elliot

It made me wonder how many years it took that lady to acquire all her belongings and to purchase that beautiful house. In the end, it only took one day to lose it all and to be completely replaced.

I do not exlcude myself as being guilty, when I say we put so much time and effort into working towards buying and having nice things. We want a large house, luxury cars, designer clothing and take those glamorous trips. Most people are in the rat race and are being sold a lie when being told to buy all of these things if you want to have status and influence. There is so much emphasis placed on what others think of us. Do not worry if you have to work yourself into the ground, or get yourself so far in debt or completely neglect your family to get what you want – the lie – you will be popular and have status. Afterall, what more in this life could you want? The proverbial dangling carrot, if you will the tale as old as time. As I look around our society today, we put so much stock in appearances. You look at Instagram and Facebook and see all the influencers who post about their glamorous life. It’s all about the number of followers and likes they have which translates into their self-worth. 

With this culture of self-centeredness, where does this leave us? Shall we only enrich ourselves here on this earth and only care about our own wishes and desires only to neglect our soul and God given duties? In our incredibly fast paced environment, do we even take the time to stop? Think? Do we possess the ability to dare and see a world outside of ourselves anymore? Do we dare to help a stranger even if it puts us out? Jesus challenges us in Luke12:16-21

And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. 17  He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’18 “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain.19 And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’21 “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”

We are challenged in this passage to examine ourselves – are we just storing up earthly treasures? Or are we thinking beyond our earthly possessions and lofty goals to see how we may be using these gifts to do God’s kingdom work?  By being faithful with what we have been given and serving those around us who are in need is how we build a rich life. There is nothing on this planet that feels as amazing as when you help someone, even if minor in nature. As a message to us all (even myself), we need to get out of our own way and grow into the person God designed us to be! I have heard it said – “I am always on my mind” can we be the change this world desperately needs? Let’s take the challenge to not store treasures on this earth that will only benefit us in the temporary and fade away but get out of our own way to make a lasting impact in someone else’s life that may last into eternity. I have such people that I can instantly bring to mind, who I can say, these individuals just for being who they are and loving Jesus have made a HUGE and lasting impact in my life. Will you take the challenge to be the force for everlasting change in someone’s life?

Monday, July 15, 2024

Illusion of Control or Trust in a higher Power

Lately, I have been through many trials and I have watched my world be dumped up on end and shaken like a snow globe –feeing like a bystander watching all of the pieces fly around. This has been a very real and sobering realization, in that, I have been reminded of my own inability to control life or its events.  In light of this realization, I have come to deepen my understanding of my desperate need for Jesus in my life. He has an amazing way of bringing calm to the storm, clarity to thought and the reason for picking up the pieces and going forward. Often times, I think it’s very difficult to endure hardships because they make us come face to face with our own inability to solve our own problems and come to grips with our own humanity. I have learned that these are divine opportunities to grow and transcend where I am to become who I long to be. 

This got me thinking…..

I came across the below quote as I was giving some thought to what it actually means to be “religious” in the face of difficulty. As usual, I am curious about what others would say about my view and outlook on life. I like to look at many different perspectives in hopes that I can better understand and relate to the world around me.

 “Religion is the right of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of spiritless conditions. It is the opium of the people… To abolish religion as the illusory happiness of the people is to demand their real happiness.” Karl Marx


In my paragraph above, I was exploring the idea of actually coming face to face with the truly difficult aspects of life.  Taking it a step further and actually allowing God to use the circumstances to make me into the person He designed me to be. There is a world of good that can come through self reflection. In this self help age, is self reflection and actualization in its self truly enough to influence a lasting impact for change? Do we on our own possess that much power? What can we really control in life?  Can we control our own health, our last breath, who will like us, hate us or love us, and what will happen to us when we step out into the ever changing world around us… etc? We don’t even know if we will wake up tomorrow. To abolish the “illusory happiness” as the above quote suggests is to live life the way you deem fit without control over anything. So the question boils down to which group is truly living in “illusionary happiness”? Those who feel they are in control of their own life but have no actual control of anything or those who trust in God, the higher power, to be their guide? You be the judge.