Thursday, July 22, 2010

Think before you speak....

I have tried to make this my new motto: Always think before you speak because words you can never take back! Words have the power to destroy just as much as the power to edify - however, I think the destroy part has a greater effect on the person than the actual uplifting part. Be wise, think before you speak!!!! Did you ever wonder why God gave us 1 month and 2 ears? Perhaps, it's because we should listen twice as much as we speak. How often do we truly pay attention to the power of our words and the effect they have on others?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Life in a Poem

Yesterday no longer holds me against my will
I will kiss those days goodbye
with not so much a care as why
I do so with some sadness
But gladness fills my heart
Although many misjudged
I won't hold a grudge
I will not waste another tear
but rather I will hold dear the lessons I have learned

Even though some have tried to deceive
I never really fully believed
What was once a spark
Now seems all but dark
One can always try to deny
What’s the point to even try?
All that’s left to say is goodbye

I know I am not perfect
This goal is too lofty
But still something so softly whispers to my soul
To only but reach my goal
I really strive to do my best
Many times I am put to the test
I feel the pain and sorrow
But I often hope for a better tomorrow

Some say the world is a stage
That’s until you turn the page
What seems to be airy and light
Might not be quite right
Just because it seems good to you
Doesn’t mean it makes it true
Life is never trouble free
That at least was His decree

To take the road less traveled
May leave you feeling unraveled
Although this very much is true
He will always be there for you
No matter the type of suffering
His love is always covering
Just when you feel you can’t get through
That’s when you can become brand new

I want to stay on the path
No matter what the aftermath
Knowing that one day my savior and I will be face to face
I want to say I ran my race
To which I long reply: well done my good and faithful servant
You've really earned it!
Not because of works you see
All because He lives in me!
written by: ALD