Friday, July 13, 2007

Archive Writings: A God Journey

We live in a technologically advanced world where no longer pen and paper are used to convey our thoughts but rather a word processor. By typing your most precious thoughts in a digital format you can mass produce them and share them with many people even around the world. This very idea got me thinking about sharing with family, friends and maybe even the occasional on looker who might somehow stumble upon my page - what I feel are important aspects of life and what God is trying to teach not only myself but maybe even you. And so it was the idea of a blog.
I have recently asked God to soften my heart and to reveal to me how I can be His light to this dark and dying world – that is so self consumed. It has occurred to me that I myself have been desensitized and did not even realize it. Once I asked God to reveal to me new things and to teach me about who He is and what He wants to do in the lives of his believers – it was like God hit the creative gas pedal. (so to speak)
"Ask and it will be given unto you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened unto you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8
I have asked and God has given me a lot to think about – and once again my vision is restored to a crystal clear image. What I see in our world today is heart breaking. I can only imagine that if I feel this way how much more does God feel for His people??!! He is deeply imploring His people to take a stand and make change happen. But are we willing to take the stand??????
A small background about me, I was born in Pompton Plains, NJ but most of my growing up years were spent in Sunny Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. When I was in 10th grade I felt God was calling me into the ministry to work with teenagers and young adults. Until recently, I had no idea how God would carry out his plan for my life. I currently live in Boston, MA but I believe this is not where He has called me to stay, rather I feel a call back to my home in Fort Lauderdale. Admittedly, God is not ready for me to do this just yet. As I have been reading my bible and praying God has revealed to me there is so much more for me to learn. He has been using the people of Massachusetts as a “virtual learning quest” to train me about the way the world reallyis. I grew up in a Christian bubble and how was I ever expected to tell the world about Christ if I could not get down on their level? That is one morsel of truth God has revealed to me.
I live in the most liberal of places; there is no inherent right or wrong rather more like a “we have to tolerate everyone” kind of attitude. Everything is based upon intellectual thought processes from an individual - decisions of right or wrong are left up the individual to decide. Even this seemingly great idea about toleration is still very narrow minded and is not treating everyone fairly. If we are to tolerate everyone, if we are to not make any waves - are we then just forced back into a corner to just merely accept things for the way they are without the prospect of change? In essence that forces us into a corner of hypocrisy – where we are at war with who we want to be but we can’t because we are too afraid of who might see. How is that fair? Will those of us who live like this lose our freedoms all together because we never take a stand and do what’s right????
There are a million things competing for your attention how do you know which is the right one to follow? I submit to you that the only way to find the clarity I know to exist is through Jesus Christ – he brings light to the darkness. What does that mean – bringing light to the darkness? It means all other ways will be shown in their actual color there will not be anything to cloud your vision – you will see it for what it really is.
A personal example, I am a scientist and I have to deal with the theory of evolution thrown in my face at every turn. Evolution in my opinion is a way to explain the meaning and God - the creator - right out of our lives. When broken down both theories take some amount of faith – you have to believe there is a God or you have to believe that there somehow existed a few molecules that eventually made this complicated world in which we live.
Recently, I have been praying that God would hurry up in executing his plan to bring me back to South Florida -but this morning I came to the conclusion that I need to use my time here wisely. God brought me here to Massachusetts far away from my family and friends to teach me about the world in an attempt to teach me how I can better serve Him. In the end, this will ensure that I will be ready to communicate to the future young poeple how to survive the challenges they will face.
My hope for this blog is that I can share my journey in finding and understanding God in a deeper more meaningful way.